Dužina preko svega:7.70 m
Dužina trupa:7.10 m
Gaz:0.55 m
Širina trupa:2.50 m
Deplasman praznog plovila:1450 kg
Tank goriva:2 x 125 L
Tank vode:1 x 100 L
Maksimalna snaga motora:60 HP
Maksimalna brzina:12 kn

Old Fashioned Family Dayboat

NAVAR 7 is a day boat with a spacious deck covered with teak and wooden gunwale. NAVAR 7 will attract attention in every port with its style and finish, which can only be seen on luxury yachts. The engine is located below the cockpit. Below wide bow deck are two berths and space for a refrigerator and equipment. The steering position is at the stern, and the steering with a classic rudder, so the comfort speed is up to 8 knots and this boat does not need a powerful engine.


30% popusta na sve usluge

Popust od 30% za kupce koji kupuju nove jahte od NAVAR-a. Kupci imaju ovaj poseban popust u našoj marini tijekom tri godine. Vrijedi za suhe i morske vezove, putnički lift i servis, ali ne i za dijelove i materijal.

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